Melodyne is most effective when it is given a clean, dry signal. Now more important as Melodyne is in Version 4. Re: Melodyne Integrated into FL (For Auto-Tune) Yea! ARA for FL Studio. A related plugin for live pitch manipulation is Pitcher. Slice, warp, correct, edit vocals, instrumentals and other recordings. Newtone is a pitch-correction and time manipulation editor.
In addition you will find our herbal range suited for high output and compliance with environmental schemes.
In this section you will find everything from high output silage leys through to horse and pony paddock mixtures. By using an wide range of varieties and species we are able to create mixtures offering optimum performance at an competitive price point. Our priority when creating a mixture is to make sure that we are achieving the specific goal that you as a grower have in mind. This draws upon practical farming experience and getting a feel for how each variety performs in its own right when we are looking after herbage seed crops. We are proud to be able to share with you a range of mixtures that have been designed using the perfect blend of technical expertise and practical experience.